Monday, March 12, 2012

Annotated 2

i went on google and typed in gaming effects on children and i had clicked the first link(  it starts off by saying there has been gaming around for about 30 years and i thought to myself. why has more problems been occuring on children these days when there were video games before we were even born. i feel as if there are more reasons is because now a days every kid has a gaming device and is constantly playing it. also in the past the kids were more active and not every kid had a gaming system to always play. it then tells us about the kids having more agression problems due to the violent video games they are playing. they are also more prone to more confrontations, fight more often, and had harder times dealing with school/grades. the site then gives me very informational facts on how to stop and catch the problem by telling parents what not to do with these gaming devices and their young ones. i feel as if this is exactly what parents need to know if they want to help their children out with their life. a kid will not just simply stop playing video games for the simple fact that video games are very addictive. video games can be compared to drugs and their addiction to these things, they simply just cant get enough of the video games.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


            During this class I will write a proposal and my proposal will talk about gaming. Gaming is the big part of it and I will narrow it down do to how kids react differently too gaming and the problems it can cause. My initial research question was effects on kids from video game and I would like to look more into this subject because my brother plays a lot of games. I could maybe changes the effects it can cause on the children. In today’s age all kids do is play video games and I admit to playing a lot of video games. For some kids video games are a way of life and it’s all kids look forward too. They eat, sleep, and play video games. This is a serious topic that I am addressing and should be looked more into. I am addressing the problem because it could help a lot of people out and also my brother plays a lot of video games, I think that he might have some of the effects of gaming to much because of some of the stuff he does. Gaming can cause so many issues in a child’s life like turning aggressive towards other, more prone to confrontations, and sometimes lower grades in the classroom. The health of a child can benefit our community because our youth is our next generation, they will take over once we are done working our jobs. This topic interests me because my brother plays a lot of video games and I know a lot of other little kids play and if they learned or even their parents learned the bad effects of gaming too much could really benefit them in a good way. I know some things about this topic and that involves: anger issues, school problems, fighting, drug and alcohol abuse, family issues, and I will learn more once I have done more research about this topic I have chosen. I think I need to more about the differences in adults and children, the effects of gaming the child’s brain, and what could be done to stop this occurring problem in family’s households. Also I could research more about the experiments done on gaming with children, the types of games and how they effects children comparing to other games, and why the cause violence in a child’s life. Some places that I could look for quality information would be major newspapers, major news channel websites, and magazines in the library. Keywords that I could use might be gaming effects on children, problems caused by gaming, what games produce the most problems, should there be a limit on how much a child can play video games, long run harmfulness on a kids health, and possibly why the games have an age limit on games and why they are specifically set to that age. Thorough out this paper I will have to be smart about where I go and look at information about gaming because some could be fake sources or even reliable sources. For this project I need good and strong sources in order for this to be a good paper and turn out the way I want it too.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Reseaarch proposal

For the reaearch proposal i would like to research the effects of gaming on kids these days. kids these days play an enormous amount of games on gaming consoles and this can be very bad for a childs health. my little brother plays a lot of games and maybe i could help him with maybe some of his problems. i could research on the effects it does to kids brains or even the anger it can cause in little kids. if people could find out what causes kids to have certain problems from gaming alot can change andd parents will help out a lot.

Monday, February 13, 2012


I feel as if all of these problems are very serious in todays society. people who cant afford or get healthy foods go for unhealthy and junk food that is bad for their health. Heather Cooke has a hard time getting to these food markets with good healthy food and when she cant get to these places she buys less healthy foods that are very non-nutrional to her families health. in some cases the healthy nutrional food is to exspensive and the less fortunite people cant buy these goods and have to settle for cheap, nasty, unhealthy foods. people who cant afford or cant travel to get these healthy goods settle for big macs and foods that are the unhealthiest of all and this causes baad heakth problems, but those foods are cheap and they fill a person up at a very cheap cost.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Class topics

another topic that would interest me would be staying in shape and doing what is necessary to stay healthy besides eating right. i am a physically fit person and i go to the gym and workout almost every day. my weight for my age and height is very healthy and i dont think people in america arent as healthy as they should be. as a entire population i would say that USA is and overweight country and this should not be. when you see our sports people on tv and in olympics going against other countries we win all the time but all these non atheletes or lazy people are unhealthy and should be reversed to make usa a very fit and healthy country.

Topic in class

What i wouldnt mind talking a little about more in class would be nutrition with people and problems that can occur with bad eating problems. eating can determine so many more things than just weight. people care about how they look but when that person is in a hurry they hit the drive through and buy a quick easy meal that fills them up. the problem is that quick meal can be a bad thing for that person. i took a nutrition class last semester and it taught me many more things that i had no idea really on what the things i was really eating did to me in the after affect.

Oral History

I looked up some oral histories online and found some to be very interesting. One in particular was a circus clown and was a very interesting interview. he talked about how he went from him himself as a normal person and transforming his self into a circus clown. he started off by giving some simple information on how he became a clown with his brother when he was a young boy and seem his father participate in the circus acts. he then talked about how he travel from one circus to another and how he finally ended up at where he is now and that would be the big apple circus. he wasn't from america and so he had a bit of difficulty because there was that language barrier with the circus and it was difficult to do things without knowing completely what to do. his name was famagalli and the interviewer asked him good questions, but i particularly liked the one about how he got his look as a clown. his makeup and costume was the question and he answered it just came to me and they wanted to look like a clown in the olden days. also the fumagalli was a good name and they came up with it out of no where and were like it just sounded good. he said he quickly became a star and was very surprised about this because it wasnt very known to start out and became a huge star very quickly.i liked this oral history because it wasnt a normal basic oral interview and it caught my attention because of circuses are amazing.

Monday, January 30, 2012

something outside class that’s related to what we’re doing

A topic i would like to talk about would be why are economically diversed societies striken with worse healthy lives compared to richer societies. I would want to see that everyone in america should live happy and long healthy lives. just because a person is poor or lives in a bad community is not corrext in my eyes. yes money has a big part in it but a person on their own or with help can all live to be the same age as a wealthier person. just because a richer person has more money is doesnt mean they should get to live longer lives than others. all people good or bad deserve a long healthy life and if they choose to live a bad life or do stupid harmful  things to their body then i feel like thats on them and its their fault on how their lives eventually turned out.

Scotland county health

In Scotland county it seems to be an alright county just for the simple fact that people live to be over 60, a decent average income, and a good employment rate. The county is defintly better than some that i have seen in the past. the number of health benefits can get better but isnt too bad for what it is. a study was done by the state oof north carolina and the health benefits can go up but the number of healthy people are far better than some in other and surrounding areas. people in this area make a pretty good income for where they can well provide for themselves and there family. overall i would think this would not be a bad community to live in with the statistics i have read from

“Why Place Matters: Building the Movement for Healthy Communities”

Why place matters is an interesting subject because where you live can deteermine how a persons life can end up turning into. In this section of reading it deals with four subjects including Economic, Social, Physical, and finally services. First off economic reasons invole getting good jobs and living a stress free life because of money situations. living a well economically life can be a plus and then they can afford good benefits for what the job has to offer including money. A better neighborhood will be on the plus side and be much much safer then other bad communities. The next is social and it involves cukltural characteristics and how a person interacts with his or her community. being in a safer community can well benefit a persons life compared to being in a dangerous one. This would lead to more friends and trust worthy friends at that. Physical is the next one on the list would involve clean neighborhoods with clean air and water systems. if a person lives in a moldey disgusting house compared to a well fascilitated house, the better house would make a persons life much more healthier and thus leading to a longer life. the pollution in the air effects everyone but in some areas the pollutiiion is terrible and is causing many health problems that is making life hard on people.the fourth section is services and involves how good of a health insurance a person haves. everyone knows that the better your insurance is the more time you can go to the doctors for checkups compared to the people with less oppurtunities for health services. how good of a school is involved with this and the better a sschool is the better and healthier life a person would live compared to a run down poverty stricken school is. all four of these statements are why place matters in relations to a persons health.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Unethically Research

The  Guatemala Syphilis and Tuskeegee Syphilis studies were very wrong on what they did. They did things that defies the normal morals of human beings. What they did was dangerous, out of control, and un-humanistic. Many people died just in the name of science but, I feel as if these scientissts would have never did the things they did many things would still be unsolved. I think there was a crazy scientist working for the nazi army doing experiments on people like cutting eyeballs out somethings of that sort. Many of todays cures and ways of helping people have come from this crazy man. Like these unethical studies they were wrong but without them we would still be lost on how to cure Syphilis. A way to correctly condust these experiments would be to make sure what the patients knew what they were getting into, signing waviers, and being able to get out of the harmful situation at any time they wanted to. They had no respect for persons while doing these experiments. Granted these people in guatemala were inmates, yes, but still they're human beings and still have a rite to live a halthy life with no pain. There was no justice in what these scientists were doing to there people and they should have been stopped by someone like the government maybe. All im saying is if people would have tried to condust studies on people today exactly like they did here, it would have never happened becausee all people have rights and nobody would have let this happen to their fellow people.

something you think is related to what we are working on

Things that have relation with my life could be like that i grew up in New York on long island. I lived in a really nice neighborhood with my grandparents who lived there for many many years. When i lived there it was really nice and no stress was there on anybody in my house. I went to school about 3 miles away and it was a really bad area with gangs and violence. I saw alot of povedrty over there and realized that not many people who lived there weree healthy and were not living long lives. You can take my family and use it to compare them to those of the poverty areas. It wasnt a good area and those people suffered through everyday living while my family lives a nice healthy and long lived life. Im not saying we were the richest family in the world but we were better off then the people who lived in a bad area. We had more benfits and better living standards compared to the struggling society down the road. So yes i do think where you live can help you live better, healthier, and longer lives.

"response to something from class you want to think more about or are interested in"

I find it interesting that you can live longer and have a healthier life just depending on where your house is. The health access to people can be a very dramatic thing depending on where a person lives. I see where people come from when complaining about where they live and its hard to live, but also i can see that they can take matters into their own hands and have the healthiest lives they can live.  Granted that they have less medical insurance yes, but staying healthy can be taken upon themselves and eat healthy, stay fit, and stay away from hazardous things. Although people have a bigger struggle when living in poor areas that just puts more stress on those people and is not good for the health at all.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Health concerns in the surrounding areas

There are many health concerns in the surrounding areas that involve income issues, lack of jobs, and lack of medical issues. From what i have seen in Pembroke it seems like a small town with not many jobs. i feel as if there were more jobs that this city will prosper. the peoples income will rise and they will benefit from the new jobs. there are studies that have been done saying the more money they come get in there jobs the healthier and longer these people will live their lives. More jobs would posses more income and more people in town for business. I have been in and around the area and have noticed that yes they have walmart to fulfill medications but where are the doctors offices and where are the hospitals. i say this because the nearest one that i have seen is not as close as it should be.those are some of the problems in the area dealing with health problems.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

First Blog-Issues and health problems in this area

Since I have lived in this county and been here and around this county I have noticed that we have some major issues concerning health issues in the area. I have noticed that some of the people who live here and in the surrounding areas that there isnt much money for people to make. Its not poverty its mostly not enough jobs and that means not enough money for health benefits. I have been to walmart for perscriptions and have seen people struggling for paying for their perscriptions. The videos and readings we have done in the class have made me realize that people with less money or without health benefits have rough, short, and frustrating lives. I do have some concerning questions about health problems in the area. These deal with how much is the local income of the local residents compared with the health/death problems dealing with the low income.