Monday, February 6, 2012

Oral History

I looked up some oral histories online and found some to be very interesting. One in particular was a circus clown and was a very interesting interview. he talked about how he went from him himself as a normal person and transforming his self into a circus clown. he started off by giving some simple information on how he became a clown with his brother when he was a young boy and seem his father participate in the circus acts. he then talked about how he travel from one circus to another and how he finally ended up at where he is now and that would be the big apple circus. he wasn't from america and so he had a bit of difficulty because there was that language barrier with the circus and it was difficult to do things without knowing completely what to do. his name was famagalli and the interviewer asked him good questions, but i particularly liked the one about how he got his look as a clown. his makeup and costume was the question and he answered it just came to me and they wanted to look like a clown in the olden days. also the fumagalli was a good name and they came up with it out of no where and were like it just sounded good. he said he quickly became a star and was very surprised about this because it wasnt very known to start out and became a huge star very quickly.i liked this oral history because it wasnt a normal basic oral interview and it caught my attention because of circuses are amazing.

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