Sunday, January 29, 2012

something you think is related to what we are working on

Things that have relation with my life could be like that i grew up in New York on long island. I lived in a really nice neighborhood with my grandparents who lived there for many many years. When i lived there it was really nice and no stress was there on anybody in my house. I went to school about 3 miles away and it was a really bad area with gangs and violence. I saw alot of povedrty over there and realized that not many people who lived there weree healthy and were not living long lives. You can take my family and use it to compare them to those of the poverty areas. It wasnt a good area and those people suffered through everyday living while my family lives a nice healthy and long lived life. Im not saying we were the richest family in the world but we were better off then the people who lived in a bad area. We had more benfits and better living standards compared to the struggling society down the road. So yes i do think where you live can help you live better, healthier, and longer lives.

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